Times Location and Info

Days and Time:
Meetings are held on the second Monday each month from 7 to 8:30 pm    
Please try to arrive a little earlier than 7 so that we can start the meeting promptly

675 Blue Mountain Drive, Cherryville PA 18035 Dining Room. The dining room is located on the far end of the building. Please use the door closest to the back of the building to enter and follow the signs 

Park in the first lot if you are traveling north on Blue Mountain Drive.   

About Our Meetings:

Meetings are open to all bereaved parents, grandparents and adult siblings. All participants, including facilitators, are bereaved parents, siblings or grandparents whose child; grandchild or sibling has died from pre-birth through adulthood. Some who attend are young and some are old. Some are women and some are men.  Some come alone and others come as couples.

Most meetings are group sharing sessions. Occasionally we will have a guest speaker or presentation with time set aside for sharing afterward. Group sharing is confidential and participation is voluntary. Our hope is that being among other bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings you will feel free to talk, cry and share, but is okay to just come and listen.

Please plan to attend at least three meetings before deciding if the group is for you.

Meeting Format:

  • 7:00 pm Welcome greeting and introduction by the meeting facilitator.
  • Chapter and national announcements.
  • Member Introductory "Go Around" (voluntary). Each member states their name, their child’s name followed by a brief statement of the circumstances of the child’s death.
  • Depending on the schedule we will either immediately begin our sharing session or begin with a guest speaker or special presentation and conduct a sharing session afterward.
  • Sharing sessions: Depending upon circumstances and the number of attendees, the group will break into two or more sharing groups of 10-12 members each.
  • Sharing sessions are where members may share their thoughts, feelings and memories of their children in a caring, safe environment. Separate sharing sessions are always offered as an option to our new members.
  • At 8:30 we will conclude our formal meeting and read the TCF Credo